Aviva Stadium and Trinity College Set to be below Flood level by 2030 if Climate Change is Not Addressed

Speaking at Order of Business today in the Seanad Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly raised an issue that has been coming up on the doorsteps in Dublin Bay South and which was highlighted also by Dublin Cycling Campaign. O’Reilly said “Dublin Cycling Campaign, over the last day, have highlighted the…

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Senator Pauline O’Reilly Call’s on the Catholic Church to do the Decent Thing and Gift the Land to the State.

Speaking in the Seanad today on Statements on the New Maternity Hospital, Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly spoke about the stranglehold that the Catholic Church has had on Irish society.  She went on to say “I think it’s important to point out, those who have been heckling others today, and…

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Solar-powered electricity will be easier and cheaper for public buildings and farms with Green Party bill

The Green Party will today (June 28th) bring a bill for debate to the Seanad that will make it easier to generate electricity through solar panels on public buildings, schools and agricultural buildings. The bill will amend outdated Planning and Development Regulations to remove planning restrictions and allow the installation…

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Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly raised the recent report by the EPA on Ireland greenhouse gas emissions projections

Speaking in the Seanad today Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly raised the recent report by the EPA on Ireland greenhouse gas emissions projections. O’Reilly stated “today the EPA issued a report, Irelands Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections.  It's quite stark.  It is saying that if we follow the 2019 Climate Action…

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Senator Pauline O’Reilly welcomed, on behalf of the Government, the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 to the floor of the Seanad

Speaking on the Bill O’Reilly said “for the first time in the history of the State targets will actually be put into law.  It is a momentous time for us, not just in the Green Party, but across government and across the whole of society”. O’Reilly went on to say…

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Green Party bill will make solar-powered schools a reality

Marking the longest day of the year, Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly will be introducing a bill to the Seanad on Monday 21st June, which will facilitate the rollout of solar-powered schools in the future. The bill will amend outdated Planning and Development Regulations to finally remove planning restrictions and…

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Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly Seeks Debate on Breastfeeding Rates in Ireland.

Speaking in the Seanad yesterday Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly sought clarity from Minister Donnelly on the recent appointment to Safefood Ireland of an executive from an infant formula manufacturing company. O’Reilly raised her concern stating that “this is concerning because we have unprecedented commitments in our programme for Government…

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Government must now prioritise investment in family life over cars

Senator Pauline O’Reilly has today called for Government to make a significant and meaningful shift in focus to prioritise investment in family life over cars. This is on the back of today’s (June 3rd) publication of the ‘Report on Reducing Emissions in the Transport Sector by 51% by 2030’ from…

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€17.3m package to help Ireland’s road network become more climate resilient

Galway is to receive €1.2m of a €17.3m climate adaptation investment programme for regional and local roads. Speaking about the investment programme announcement Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly said that she “welcomes the investment in our local roads network.  Making our roads safer for users is paramount”  She went on…

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Galway to Benefit from the Summer of Play initiative with €6m in funding for outdoor play

Galway to benefit from the €6million in funding for outdoor play as announced by Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., today. Speaking about the fund, Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly said, “I am delighted that funding will be allocated for a ‘We-go-swing’ for Salthill Playground,…

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