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Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly welcomed a ban on single use plastics

Speaking in the Seanad today O’Reilly said “I think one thing that’s gone, maybe, under the radar a little is that last weekend the Single Use Plastics Directive was signed into law by the Minister at the weekend.  People may not realise that 70% of plastic waste in the marine environment actually comes from ten plastic products”. 

O’Reilly continued “Most of those are now banned in Ireland.  This is huge, its momentous for our ocean life, and it just goes to show the importance of being part of a European Union and actually engaging in that debate”.

The following items have been banned from being placed on the Irish market from 3 July 2021:

  • Cotton Bud Sticks
  • Cutlery
  • Plates
  • Stirrers
  • Chopsticks
  • Straws
  • Expanded polystyrene single use food and beverage containers
  • All oxo-degradable plastic products