Speaking at the announcement Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly said that she welcomes the passing of the Nature Restoration Law. She went on to say “This is a good day for nature and a good day for the millions of people who have understood and campaigned for the vital importance of protecting and restoring our natural world. It also underpins the importance of having the Green Party and the Green Group in the European Parliament. We championed the Regulation through its complicated passage to this point, but not without listening and responding to the concerns of others and bringing other politicians with us to support it.
“The only way we can protect nature and biodiversity is if we work together, in our own local communities and as a wider European community. Now our job is to ensure that there are adequate funds and supports in place to ensure that the people at the very coalface of nature protection are well paid and that their livelihoods are also protected.”
Minister of State with responsibility for Nature, Malcolm Noonan TD, and Minister for the Environment and Climate, Eamon Ryan TD, have today (Monday 17th June) welcomed the vote to approve the Nature Restoration Law in the EU Environment Council.
The Ministers called the outcome an historic vote for nature that now provides an opportunity to reverse biodiversity loss and restore nature, thereby strengthening food security, providing safe drinking water, reducing air pollution, and sustaining livelihoods and wellbeing for every European into the future.
The final compromise text proposed Regulation had been previously approved by the European Parliament in a plenary session in Luxembourg on 27th February and was today adopted by qualified majority vote in the Council of Environment Ministers of the 27 Member States.
Minister for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD, said:
“Today’s vote is extremely positive news. Not just for nature and wildlife across Europe, but for all of us as well. The future of human civilisation depends entirely on healthy, functioning ecosystems, but these life support systems are declining dangerously. We are in a biodiversity emergency. The Nature Restoration Law will bring unprecedented action and investment to this challenge, and not a minute too soon.
“We can be proud that Ireland has demonstrated real leadership on nature restoration throughout this process. Twelve of our thirteen MEPs voted in favour of the NRL in February, and they should be commended for that. The Government has also supported the Nature Restoration Law at every step, as has the Dáil – members voted 121 to 9 in favour of nature restoration last year.”
Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan TD, along with Minister Noonan, spearheaded an initiative in May signed by 11 Member States calling on other Member States to join them in adopting the Nature Restoration Law proposal.
Minister for Environment and Climate Action, Eamon Ryan TD, said:
“This is an historic vote for nature and a huge opportunity to rebalance our ecosystems, strengthen our food security, improve our water and our air and ensure more secure livelihoods and wellbeing for millions of Europeans.
“Europe is the fastest warming continent and is facing unprecedented impacts from the intertwined nature and climate crises. This is a decisive step towards addressing the very real risks we are already seeing, from desertification to flooding.
“Large-scale restoration of nature has the potential to strengthen Europe and to provide additional income streams for farmers, foresters, fishers and other landowners. It will create jobs and stimulate downstream industries, such as eco-tourism, bringing real stimulus to rural economies. It’s already happening. Tens of thousands of farmers across the country are already taking part in schemes, projects and programmes to restore nature. I say it over and over again. Farmers are the frontline heroes in climate action. We want to work collaboratively, to restore nature and to ensure that farmers and rural communities are well rewarded and can thrive. This is what the NRL is all about.”
Ireland’s fourth National Biodiversity Action Plan was launched on 25th January at the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin. It commits to putting a National Restoration Plan in place by 2026 to contribute to the ambition of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and global restoration targets.
Work has already started on a participatory stakeholder engagement process to support the development of the National Restoration Plan over the next 24 months. Led by an independent Chair, this programme will comprise a series of interactive workshops aligned with key themes focussing on the impact of the Regulation on Land, Marine and Urban environments. Stakeholders, including farmers and farming representatives, will be encouraged to get involved.
One of key tasks of the restoration planning process will be to identify the design, targets and incentive schemes to deliver restoration measures, including consideration of national and EU funding opportunities and a comprehensive assessment of funding needs. Completion of the Plan will be aligned with the opening of the Government’s €3.15bn Climate and Nature Fund in 2026. This fund is expected to play an important role in resourcing the measures in the National Restoration Plan.
Minister Noonan added:
“I have seen for myself the amazing work that farmers, foresters, fishers and other landowners are doing. Meanwhile communities all across the country – both urban and rural – are putting their shoulders to the wheel as well, developing projects and plans to support nature in their local area. Ireland’s Nature Restoration Plan will build on these successes, expand and empower them. Our focus now turns to the development of Ireland’s Nature Restoration Plan. It is my intention to work with the Minister for Finance to ensure that the Government’s €3.15bn Climate and Nature Fund, which was announced as part of Budget 2024, will underpin the implementation of nature restoration measures across the country. We need to turn the tide on biodiversity loss and take the first steps towards restoring nature, and we need to do it together. That’s what this Government is committed to delivering on.”
The National Restoration Plan will build on and expand efforts that are already underway across the State. Through the LIFE Programmes and Farm Plan Scheme operated by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), farmers are already participating in over 1500 projects to restore nature all over the country. Many more are expected to participate in the new €25m Breeding Waders EIP, which was launched by NPWS and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) last year.
This is in addition to the more than 18,000 farmers who are involved in results-based ACRES Cooperation projects under DAFM. Through the National Federation of Group Water Schemes, a further 130 are participating in dedicated initiatives to protect water quality. It is anticipated that this number will grow substantially to over 15,000 in the coming years as two new projects – the Waters of LIFE Project and the Water EIP, led by DAFM – come on stream.
Restoration efforts are also underway in other areas, including through Bord na Móna’s work to restore and rehabilitate 33,000 hectares of degraded peatland and Coillte’s commitment to enhance and restore biodiversity on 20% (90,000 hectares) of its estate by 2030.
For contact: Pauline O’Reilly 083 004 4711