The Green Party has called for more support for people feeling lonely or isolated after the body of Joyce O’Mahony was discovered in Cork. It is reported that Ms O’Mahony died potentially 18 months before her body was found. The Green Party has proposed a motion calling for an appointment of a Minister with responsibility for combating loneliness.

Senator Pauline O’Reilly, who proposed the motion, said;
“We are experiencing a crisis of people feeling isolated from society, Ireland has the highest reported level in the EU for loneliness with over 20% of Irish people reported feeling lonely most or all of the time. We need decisive Government action combining all elements of society to build community spirit and tackle loneliness. A dedicated Minister is needed to give this issue the full focus it deserves.”


Colette Finn, Councillor for Cork City South-West, said;

“Loneliness is a serious public health concern. We are social animals and we need to build communities, where people can mix and feel connected. As we age, family can move away and our peers or partners can die so it is important that we look out for one another. Men’s Shed and Sister Sheds help to connect people in their local community.
“If someone is struggling to cope or feeling alone, I recommend they contact one of the excellent charities like Samaritans or ALONE who offer excellent support services. However sometimes people don’t want to reach out and in those cases, it is important just to notice if they haven’t been out and about.”

The Green Party has called for more support for people feeling lonely or isolated after the body of Joyce O’Mahony was discovered in Cork. It is reported that O’Mahony died potentially 18 months before her body was found. The Green Party has proposed a motion calling for an appointment of a Minister with responsibility for combating loneliness. 

Senator Pauline O’Reilly, who proposed the motion, said; 

“We are experiencing a crisis of people feeling isolated from society, Ireland has the highest reported level in the EU for loneliness with over 20% of Irish people reported feeling lonely most or all of the time. We need decisive Government action combining all elements of society to build community spirit and tackle loneliness. A dedicated Minister is needed to give this issue the full focus it deserves.” 

Colette Finn, Councillor for Cork City South-West, said; 

“Loneliness is a serious public health concern, especially for older people. We need to reach out to people who feel isolated and connect them into their local community. If someone is struggling to cope or feeling alone, I recommend they contact one of the excellent charities like Samaritans or ALONE who offer excellent support services.”