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Greens push for Budget focused on families

The Green Party says next week’s Budget must help children, families and small businesses to prosper and thrive. The party has unveiled three innovative proposals that will provide major support for families while also helping the environment and maintaining vitality in our town centres.

Greens propose making public transport free for all children aged under nine, quadrupling child benefit for the first month after the birth of a child and a rates refund for local small businesses.

Senator Pauline O’Reilly said;

“The Green Party is determined to use our influence in Government to support families and businesses across the country. Free travel for under nines will save families money while also reducing emissions, taking cars off the roads and leading to cleaner air. Quadrupling child benefit will be a baby boost that takes pressure off parents so they can afford to give their baby the best start in life. The rates refund will save small, family-owned businesses around €3,000 a year but also boost the vibrancy and activity in our town centres.”

Every Budget since the Green Party took office four years ago has been aimed at making Ireland a fairer country. Each of the four Budgets has been judged to be “progressive” by economists which means that it has done more for those who need help the most.

Other Green measures supported by the Greens include a land hoarder’s tax to discourage land hoarding by developers of land that is serviced and ready to be used for new homes.

Children under the age of five travel for free and raising this age to nine would cost approximately €8m a year. Parents currently receive €140 a month in child benefit so the proposed “baby boost” payment would mean a special one-off payment of €560 paid out following the birth of a newborn.

Under the proposed rates refund, small businesses who pay rates in the region of €3,000 a year would receive a complete refund, with larger businesses availing of a 50% reduction, up to a limit.