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I’m Tearing My Hair Out Over the Inequality in Our Healthcare Services

Speaking today in the Seanad Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly once again raised the issue of inequality within the healthcare system around the country.

O’Reilly stated “I’m practically tearing my hair out, as I know Senator Chambers is as well, around the inequality in our healthcare services around the country.  Time and time again we are told that things are opening up for maternal health care and they’re just not. We are not seeing it on the ground”.

She went on to add “We shouldn’t have to take to Instagram, which I’ve seen countless women doing – Instagram to Twitter to Facebook – in order to shout for our own rights.  It should be a given that there’s transparency within our healthcare system in relation to maternity services.  So I would really, really, call on the Minister and also on the HSE to provide that guidance and reassurance to everyone”.